Lifting spirits of patients through professionalism

College of Medicine

An innovative and comprehensive medical education that fosters a deep understanding of the principles of medicine, patient care, and medical ethics.

Dean's Word

Despite the challenging situation that the College of Medicine-University of Sulaimani was resurrected in, the College has been significantly growing to become one of the leading medical colleges in the region. This has been achieved through continuous quality improvement with tremendous effort from various stakeholders, especially from our students. This culture of inclusiveness, diversity, and constant self-assessment has been, over the last few years, focused on further quality development of medical education to meet international standards. Hence, the College of Medicine, in collaboration with national and international experts, adjusted its undergraduate curriculum to be integrated, student-centered, and outcome-based. This newly-integrated program was launched in 2018 and it is still in progress and subjected to regular updates according to local needs and international standards. Moreover, our college has a Student Development Unit and Personal Professional Development Program, which provide extra support to our students. The program nurtures an environment of life-long learning. The College supports, moreover, extracurricular activities in terms of sports activities, debate clubs, etc… Additionally, our students have been encouraged to be involved and participate, actively, in all our international conferences over the last decades. These extra support and activities enrich the student experience by offering equal opportunities for student leadership and participation beyond classroom setup and academic programs. Parallel to undergraduate programs, significant changes have been made in research and postgraduate programs’ standards and requirements. Our postgraduate programs have witnessed tremendous development from a handful of projects in the early 1990s to wide-spectrum programs of Diploma, M.Sc. as well as Ph.D., and recently, overall medical specialties from Basic-Medical- to Clinical-Sciences. The College is committed to providing the possible, research-friendly atmosphere to its faculties as well as both postgraduate and undergraduate students. In conclusion, transforming education in our college has resulted in ongoing student experience improvements and enrichment of the intellectual and cultural environment of the College. Furthermore, we are committed to maintaining that progress to move our college headlong to a higher level, and ultimately make a difference in the health system in the region and globally. Professor Twana Abdulrahman Rahim, FIBMSPsych; MBChB
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Professor of Psychiatry
Dr. Twana Abdulrahman Rahim
Abdulmuiz (third Rank) MinVarin Aram Baram (2nd Rank) MinVarya Khalid (first Rank) Min

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About College of Medicine

The University of Sulaimani was established in 1968 and the College of Medicine enrolled its first Group of (91) students for the academic year 1977-1978. The University including the college of Medicine was closed down and transferred to Hawler (Erbil) city in 1981 and its name was changed to the University of Salahaddin, hence the college never witnessed its graduation in July 1983. After the holy Kurdish uprising in March 1991 and the establishment of the Kurdish parliament and Kurdistan regional government, the University of Sulaimani including the college of Medicine was re-established in15th of November 1992. The college celebrated the graduation ceremony of the first batch in July 1998.
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